Article archive
05/08/2013 17:05
The Taproot Foundation undertook a service grant in the latter half of 2012. This was a pilot project on behalf of a network of direct service providers in the non-profit sector. The project concluded in March to the satisfaction of all involved; the project team's accomplishments were acknowledged...
01/07/2013 16:01
Susan Singer is "on assignment" with a Taproot Foundation service grant. The client is a network of independent, non-profit organizations and involves strategic staffing initiatives. Work is expected to conclude in March 2013.
04/21/2012 20:18
The final installment in Susan Singer's Project Management series for AWIS "Effective Decision-Making" is set for Apr 24, 3:00p ET. Register through the AWIS website:
02/17/2012 10:26
Two AWIS STEMiNARs in the project management series will be held in March. The first is on the new AIA provisions on research and commercialization; this will be held on March 20th and presented by attorney Katherine Hamer. The date of the second March session has been changed to March 28th and...
01/12/2012 14:09
The dates for the AWIS STEMinar series featuring Susan Singer have been announced as follows:
-- What is research PM and how is it different? - Friday, Jan. 20 from 3 PM-4 PM EST
-- Expertise: Should the PI also be the SME? - Thursday, Feb. 16 from 3 PM-4 PM EST
-- Building your research...